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This personal waterfall shows you all of Anel Chavez's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I would not tell on him but i would tell someone to turn him in due to my life and my babys life. If he made that decision he has to face the consequences. :D

3 points

I think that everyone has some anger inside of them that they get to a point were they want to solve the problem by doing something back to the person that hurt them mentally, physically, or emotionally. I think that insane people know whats going on because of the way that they acted, they could of done something such as stab a person and they know its wrong but they still do it without thinking, i will say for the doctors to examine them well, on a lie detector test or something like that. So they should have a trial as a criminal because they acted as one.

1 point

"Should shakespeare's work continue to be studied at the high school level?" In my point of view would be that yes i think that it should i think that it helps you learn literature and makes people think about what he was trying to say and portray in his plays, People seem to not want to read it simply because they find it boring, but if you actually took the time to try and understand what it meant and was saying, you may see why so many people back then enjoyed his literature and his plays. So i think that shakespeare should be studied in a high school level.

1 point

My view towards both man and female i think they are both equally, there are some things that makes us diffrent such as our way of thinking and physically. Most people say that man are great leaders, and some say no, Woman can be great leaders as well example queen elizabeth, abigail adams,Queen Margrethe,Isabel Peron and alot more have been great leaders they are not exactly from the united states they can be from diffrent states or countrys as well, i would say me being a woman are something special in our own ways although alot of people dont agree on that, we have our own ideas and we think very diffrently. Men have been great leaders as weel such as george bush, obama, and alot more men. I guess it has to do of how the people think, and the historical as well. there can be bad leaders as well such as hitler, osama, sadam hosein. So i would say that men and woman are both great leaders.

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